Goodies Given Away Every Day Totaling $550 Ho, ho, ho!! 🎅 Today is my giveaway day in the amazing Advent Calendar giveaway going on until Christmas Day. I’m handing out a copy of Now and Always and a $10 Amazon gift card. 🎁 Now and Always is the …

Valentine’s Day Giveaway
VALENTINE’S DAY CHOCOLATE GIVEAWAY Feb 1 – 14 Goodies Given Away Every Day Totaling Over $150 Happy Monday, everyone! I’ve got a giveaway going on today at Ellen Mint’s page, where there’s a ebook copy of Now and Always plus an Amazon gift card up for grabs. Drop by …

13 Days of Halloween Giveaway!
Hi, y’all – I’m dusting off the ol’ blog to share a fantastic giveaway with you! October is my absolute favorite month with the vivid leaves, the crisp air, sweaters-and-boots-season. There’s just something fabulously ominous about the clinging gloom and misty mornings, as if the supernatural watches, biding its time …

Romance Grab Bag Mystery Giveaway!
Fill your eReader with a surprise! Is your eReader in need of some fresh romance? Do you need something to read but have no idea where to start? Let the mystery box pick for you! Forty authors teamed up to bring you TWENTY-NINE mystery bags of romance. Alpha heroes, untouchable …

Halloween Countdown Giveaway!
I don’t know about you, but fall is my favorite season and Halloween my absolute favorite holiday. I love the crisp air, falling leaves and eerie tendrils of mist in the morning. There’s just something about all the creepy crawly creatures and mysterious things that go bump in the night. …

Summertime Romance Giveaway
To celebrate the release of Ellen Mint’s Rash & Rationality, I’ve joined up with a handful of other awesome authors for a FANTABULOUS prize bundle worth over $100 full of goodies, including an ebook copy of my own Every Step! Just hit the graphic below to enter…and in case you’re …

Godiva Chocolate Giveaway!
I hope you’ve been following along with the 14-Day Giveaway I’m participating in with other amazing authors, brought to you by Ellen Mint, where there are books, gift cards and all sorts of other goodies up for grabs. If not, there’s still time. Don’t miss out on today, though! I’m …

Valentine’s Day 14 Days of Giveaways
Happy February, everyone! Back in December, I gathered with a group of other amazing authors for an 25-day Advent Calendar giveaway, and it was so much fun that we decided to do it again for Valentine’s Day. Starting today until February 14, there’s a new giveaway every day…I’m not sure …

Advent Calendar Giveaway – Every Kiss
I hope you’ve been following along with Ellen Mint’s advent calendar giveaway – so many prizes to win until Christmas! Today, you can win an ebook copy of Every Kiss, so don’t miss out! And definitely check back in on Christmas, where there will be a doozy of a prize …