Today, she’ll break free. Tomorrow, she’ll make them pay “Two months ago my world collapsed and the beast reigned. Seven weeks ago the SRD captured me. Nine days ago, they injected me with …

Cover Reveal & Giveaway – Dragons are People, Too
Happy Wednesday! I’m thrilled to be a part of the cover reveal for Dragons are People, Too, a young adult contemporary fantasy by Sarah Nicolas releasing April 28th from Entangled Teen. There’s a Starbucks giveaway at the end, and who doesn’t need extra caffeine to get through the rest of …
Shift Happens – 99 Cent Sale!
In the off-chance you haven’t read Shift Happens by J.C. McKenzie, now you have no excuses. It’s on sale for 99 cents until November 27, so pick up a copy and prepare for some fine reading! Beast Coast (the sequel) is out December 1 (trust me, you don’t want to …

Snow The Vampire Slayer by Rebekah Ganiere
I am thrilled to be a part of Rebekah Ganiere’s blog tour for Snow the Vampire Slayer, the second in her Farielle Series, released on September 22. I enjoyed Red the Were Hunter very much, and Snow’s story is definitely on my TBR list. Here are the deets: Lady Snow …