Before my regular blog post, help me celebrate with my Swoon Romance sister Linda Budzinski and the cover reveal for her book The Funeral Singer, available September 24. Check out the fanflippintastic cover: Being a funeral singer was a dead-end job until it led her to him … Seventeen-year-old …
Book Release Day – Unscripted!
In case you’ve forgotten or hadn’t heard, Unscripted by Jayne Denker emerges on the market today. So go out and get your hot little hands on a copy. Don’t wait! Here’s a teaser, in case you haven’t already moved on to the Amazon page… One of Hollywood’s hardest working women …
Going Home Again Cover Reveal
Friday Fascination is hopping on board with the cover reveal for GOING HOME AGAIN by Abby Cavenaugh, an adult contemporary romance scheduled for release on August 27, published by Swoon Romance. Check it out! Summary: In high school, it was doubtful Michael Day knew Alyssa Jones existed. Twenty years later, …
Taking Stones from an Angry Spirit is Probably a Bad Idea
I’m joining up with Thursday’s Children this week, so show some love and check out these other fine blogs! I love stumbling upon magical history in my search for fun blog subjects. And as a fantasy fanatic, I can’t help but be inspired by colorful tales from the past…especially if …
Humor Time
Humor, I believe, is a supernatural gift with awesome side effects. For example, a little jesting will (courtesy of 8 Health Benefits of Laughter): Lower blood pressure Increase vascular blood flow and oxygenation of the blood Give a workout to the diaphragm and abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles …
Blazin’ Bagpipes
I’m on vacation, so the closest to supernatural I’m gonna get this week is to this dude and his bagpipes. Combination of bagpipes and fire – freakin’ fantabulous. Thanks to Permanent Mary Sue’s blog for cluing me in to this new take on a kilt-loving (or…maybe no kilt at all) …
A Fine Tragedy
Friday Fascination is a day early, joining up with Thursday’s Children. Don’t miss these other fine Thursday’s Children blogs. Tragedy inspires me. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not one of those psychos who gets off on other people’s suffering. I demand happy endings. So when tragedy strikes, I want …
Close Encounter of the Divine Kind
What’s more paranormal than the Big Guy Himself? Um…nothing. FYI, I’m not even remotely preachy or judgmental and my blogging won’t go into that no-man’s land either, but I’m absolutely and completely a God girl. He rocks. I had a moment. At the copy machine. Not a life-changing moment, …
Get Spoiled
Married ladies, listen up. Mid-Eastern divas are super-crafty and we need to concoct a way for their spoil-me scheme to work for the average American married woman. They blame their insatiable need for beautiful clothes, jewelry, perfume, delectable food, luxurious surroundings, and all-out pampering on possession by a zar, …
Books to Read – The Booker Albert Agency
Looking for some fabulous reading material? Check out these new and upcoming releases from authors represented by The Booker Albert Agency: How to Date a Nerd (due September) and Friday Night Alibi (due in July) by Cassie Mae The Sight Seer by Melissa Giorgio (coming …