Hey, y’all – I’m at GIHS today with a spotlight on Hooker and the Hermit by L.H. Cosway and Penny Reid, and it’s probably not the type of hooker you’re thinking of. 🙂 Hope you drop by, and there’s a giveaway too!
Diamond Rings are Deadly Things
Happy Wednesday! I’m at GIHS today with fun stuff from Rachelle Christensen. Swing on by! Tour Schedule
Book Blitz – Ever Darkening by Janeal Falor
Happy Hump Day, people! I’m over at GIHS today with the brand-spankin’ new release from Janeal Falor. Hope you stop by and check it out! Pssst…there’s a giveaway too. 🙂

Martini Club 4
Join me on GIHS today, where I’m introducing the ladies of the Martini Club 4. Would love to see you there!
Crazy Cat Lady in Training
I’m at GIHS today discussing a sneaking suspicion I have about myself and cats…and there’s a quiz for you too. Find out if you might have the makings of a Crazy Cat Lady. 🙂

Book Spotlight – The Colton Gambler Series by Sara Ellwood
Happy hump day, people! I’m at Geeks today with a spotlight on Sara Ellwood’s The Colton Gamblers Series, some sexy contemporary westerns – drop in and say hey!
Double the Fun
Double the fun today! I’m at Geeks with a review of Breaking the Nexus by Lindsay Avalon (there’s a giveaway too!), AND… Book Blitz for Lauren Smith’s His Wicked Seduction – plus another giveaway! 🙂 Book Title: His Wicked Seduction Author: Lauren Smith Genre: Historical Romance Release Date: November 2014 …

Review – Destiny by Celia Breslin
Happy Wednesday, everyone! I’m over at Geeks today with a review of Destiny, number 2 in the Tranquilli Bloodlines series by the amazing Celia Breslin – hope to see you there!

Beast Coast by J.C. McKenzie
Hey, people! I’m over at Geeks today with the kick-some-patooty Andy McNeilly from Beast Coast by J.C. McKenzie, so I hope you hop on over and join us, not to mention check out my 5++ star review. 🙂

My Own Mr. Darcy by Karey White
I’m over at Geeks today with a review of My Own Mr. Darcy by Karey White. Swing on by!